Ask me anything

I don’t mind answering questions about writing.  Okay, let’s be honest, I’ll answer questions about almost anything.  If I don’t provide an answer, it’s for a good reason.

If you have a question, please feel free to use my account to ask me a question.  I’ll answer it there as well as post it below if it’s something i want everyone on this site to read.

Ask me anything here:

Questions below are most recently asked first.

What steps can I take to become a better writer?
It’s hard to give a good answer to this without knowing which form of writing your looking at. Fiction is different from non-fiction which is different from poetry which is different from editorial. That being said, all share some common steps to improve writing.

Read what you write out loud. If it doesn’t flow well when read out loud, it won’t flow well when read quietly either.

Look for words or phrases that you repeat frequently and remove them completely or find better words to use in their place.

Spellcheck. Spellcheck. Spellcheck.

Most importantly, to become a good writer, you have to read. A lot. Be sure to read in the genre you’re writing for, but also anything else that interests you.

Eliminate redundancies. So often people will describe something twice, just using different words. Pick one, get rid of the other.

Get rid of useless words. Very, really, several, etc. do nothing for when describing something. They don’t quantify anything.

Hope that helps.

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?