reading-book-by-candlelightI mentioned on my Facebook page that once I hit 300 followers I would share an excerpt from another work in progress.  What I didn’t mention is aside from the Prologue and this excerpt it is all I have written, though I know most of the rest of the story in my head.

Below you can find the first few paragraphs of the excerpt. If you want to read more, click the link below the excerpt.

Amber shivered as she guided her horse and wagon through the healer’s encampment.  It was already getting cooler in the valley and plains if she was shivering already.  Admittedly, the druid’s groves were warmer by the nature of the druids, but a change in the weather was on its way.  Despite the weather beginning to change, people were out and about, maintaining the life of the warring camps and the healer’s encampment.

Soldiers, children and fellow healers greeted her as she returned the greetings, a soft smile gracing her features.  It was good to be back – even if being back meant returning to the sound of war.

“Dia Brennon it is good to have you back.  Your tent is where you left it.  If you dismount, our men will unpack and set your tent back to rights with your belongings,” a young man spoke to her, wrapping the reigns of her horse around his hand when she stopped. He then offered her assistance to get down.

She was slightly ashamed that she didn’t remember his name – but with as many injured soldiers that came and went from the camp, it was growing difficult to remember them all.  She placed her hands on his shoulders as his hands grasped her waist as he helped her down.  It wasn’t that she needed help mounting or dismounting, but when the courtesy was offered, you accepted in turn.

Read the rest of the excerpt here.